Despite this, Efrideet did understand that the Devil Splicers had to be fought, knowing the threat they posed to the Last City. Unable to destroy the techno-virus, the Iron Lords sealed it beneath the earth. [11], Efrideet's departure spared her from participating in the Battle of Site-6, where all her fellow Iron Lords save Saladin perished at the hands of SIVA under the control of the Warmind Rasputin, who sought to reclaim and destroy his resurrected son Felwinter. Appears In: Destiny 2 . Saladin repeatedly spoke out against having the Fallen inhabit the Last City, which ultimately lowers his status amongst the Guardians, both old and new. [12], Centuries later, with the onset of the SIVA Crisis, Efrideet returned to the Iron Temple to assist Saladin and fulfil her responsibility to the Iron Banner. (cinematic director) Film Editing by Bungie Casting By Timothy Cubbison Art Department Sound Department Visual Effects by Stunts Dominic Kinnaird . Saladin briefed the Young Wolf on the situation and was concerned that Ixel could give the Cabal the advantage over them or possibly unleash destruction on everyone by messing with Vex technology. He insisted that the Light and the Traveler were the only allies they needed. They are the same type of beings as we, they just didn't call themselves guardians at the time. After returning to Felwinter Peak, Efrideet listened as Felwinter revealed his true reason for wanting to secure Shaxx's stronghold: a Seraph Bunker beneath the fortress that contained clues to where the Warmind Rasputin was hiding valuable Golden Age technology. She informed him that Felwinter had provided evidence that all the Warlords he murdered had killed Ghosts, civilians, and other crimes that broke the Iron Decree but had never requested permission for any of his executions. She sent back a message that Felwinter only responded to official Iron Lord business, but went herself to hear Wu Ming's proposition. Efrideet suggested she may have changed her mind and asked if she could throw him again. This occurred after his defeat of Guhrn Or'ohk, Valus in ritual combat, who challenged Saladin's right to exist on an even footing with the Cabal in their Empire. Instead, she ventured out into the Solar System and joined a secret community of other Lightbearers who embraced pacifism. [28] Thanks to Crow's investigation and the Young Wolf's fieldwork, the task force discovered the Cabal had crafted miniature devices based on the Traveler Cage used by the Red Legion to cut off the Light from the Guardians that could be attached to Ghosts, allowing them to easily kill the Lightless Guardian. Unamused, the Warlord ordered them to leave and declared the people there his, but they refused to abandon the civilians to his rule. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. From the day he became a Iron Lord, Saladin takes his purpose and duty in protecting the survivors of the Collapse with complete dedication, becoming a pillar of a what a Titan and Guardian should be. [23], Saladin soon learned that Val Ma'rag was leading a Cabal assault against the Hive in the Cosmodrome in revenge for the Fall of Torobatl to the Hive God of War Xivu Arath. [22] After Basilius's elimination, Saladin sent a message to the Young Wolf complimenting them on their efforts, but expressed frustration at Zavala's determination not to enter into total war against the Cabal. Upon their deaths, he hoped to that he would never have to revisit his past but continued to honor their legacy with the Iron Banner tournament and with the threat of the Devil Splicers, he realized that the danger was greater than keeping the full story of the Iron Lords and SIVA a secret. She countered there was no time for that and instead offered to throw him at the Walker, causing Saladin to laugh until he realized she was serious and declaring there was no dignity to that. After assisting in the liberation of the The Last City, Efrideet once more departed Earth and rejoined her secret group. [19] After Rasputin was awakened on Mars and declared itself the guardian of humanity and the solar system, Saladin expressed deep concern for the situation. The Speaker questioned how the City would be governed, and she told him that would be up to those who lived there and that the Iron Lords would merely protect the walls. Saladin however, while about as unnerved with keeping the Hive in such a state, the Iron Lord believes the Hive don't deserve their sympathy. Briefing the Young Wolf on the progress of the conflict, Saladin admitted that he did wish the situation was not as it was, but that he had seen similar scenarios play out too often in the Dark Age. Keith Ferguson (voice actor) - Wikipedia Things come to a head during the assault on the Moon when Crow, instead of showing up to help, goes to the H.E.L.M. This would prove to be a wise decision on Saladin's part, as the House of Salvation intercepted their communications and learned of their plan, sending a raid force to destroy or acquire Felspring's remains. Wu Ming quickly changed the topic and asked what she was doing later, and as she quickly grabbed and downed a drink from behind the bar Efrideet revealed that the Iron Lords were going to assault a group of Fallen causing trouble at Boyle Pass, sarcastically asking if he wished to join. He declared only a fool would continue to rebuild a tower that kept being destroyed. Fera sits on her throne while flanked by her men. Shax has one, but it's different from everyone else's. However, Shaxx did not acknowledge the fallback order and instead advanced with his fireteams. This sub is for discussing the lore of Bungie's game Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. [2] which convinced Saladin to allow her to throw him. Saladin recently also displays distaste for Osiris due to his infamous exile of the Last City, and also further explains that it was Ikora Rey who reformed the Warlock order, not Osiris. `${userDetail.user.displayName}${userDetail.user.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode ? Can confirm he has one, one of the last cut scenes it highlights stone carvings within the Iron Temple. He dodged her question about why he did not trust her and rebuffed her interest in joining the Iron Lords by declaring that he was searching for more than just Lightbearers who could shoot. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he trailer say the Iron Lords existed before the Guardians, and therefore wouldn't have had ghosts? Lord Saladin has no ghost > Destiny | Forums | So yes, they are like us, and all of this happened post-collapse during the Dark Ages, they are in essence a precursor to what we now call Guardians, the term Guardian didn't come about until the . Iron Lords - Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki Efrideet questioned if he had any ammo remaining, but Saladin stated he had only the Light but the Fallen were out of range and they would have to climb down. I don't know if Lord Saladin's grimoire entry was written before the rest of the Iron Lords story was written but apparently Lord Saladin trained both Shaxx and Zavala.. A hero to the City and a legend in his own right, Saladin Forge led the City's defense during the Battle for the . Saladin ordered the Young Wolf to stop this plot and prevent the Cabal from creating an army of Exo-Legionaries. However, the decision aggravates the members of the Consensus, Saladin Forge included. does lord saladin have a ghost - However, as a result of his experiences and losses, Saladin has been hardened from them all. The fourth was the poor Ghost having a borderline mental breakdown because of all the psychic fuckery. Unable to defeat the mutant Devils on his own, Saladin began seeking out Guardians to help him form a new generation of the Iron Lords to end the threat of SIVA once and for all. {{ Saladin conceded that Lord Radegast was planning a head-on assault, shocking Efrideet due to the nearly hundred civilians living in the fortress who could be caught in the crossfire. Lord Saladin has a Ghost. It's just a title. Ward . Saladin however, states that Crow lacks the self-awareness to know what he believes in and that his mind is a storm of guilt, not just his own but also that of his past self. and deactivates the machine keeping the captive Hive alive, unintentionally killing the Psion operating it. [4], Having joined the Iron Lords, Efrideet participated in their campaign against the Warlords. Edit The Psion inflicted a sense of vertigo upon him, but Saladin steadied himself and warned the Psion that they would find their comrades eventually but that they could save their own life now by answering. Unlike the rest of her compatriots, she did not participate in the Battle of Site-6 and was thus spared from the near total destruction of the order. Stoic, serious and experienced yet somber and grim are the best words to describe Lord Saladin. Despite the Nightmare's words, Saladin refused to give in. Well Bungie added a nice little tid bit, saying that he might have since become a Guardian. Their relationship became strained, although Saladin continued to remain on good terms with Zavala. He probably died during twilight gap. The Iron Lords were soon approached by the Warlord Felwinter, who wished to join their ranks and offered his keep at the top Felwinter Peak in the Old Russian Cosmodrome to serve as their headquarters. [10], The trio travelled to Shaxx's fortress, discovering his people were seemingly well-fed and had winter clothing. Lord Saladin wants you to head into his special version of the Crucible once more with your best . Saladin decides that he will never give mercy to an enemy if that mercy comes at the cost of mercy for their victim.[13]. From them, Rasputin would repair itself enough to allow it to speak directly to Ana and the Guardian, and reveal the true extent of Clovis Bray's deceit. He encouraged him to respond in kind and show the Cabal there were consequences for such acts and to remind their people why they should have faith in the Guardians. Efrideet noted that the local Warlords would respect that, although they were all needed to join a concentrated strike against the House of Devils in the Cosmodrome. There goes that theory For what it's worth, I enjoyed speculating on this while we still could. After The Guardian stops Caiatl's forces from attacking Savathun's ship, Saladin - along with Zavala and Crow - meet with the empress in the Tower to placate her ire over the battle. Saladin ultimately has one more conversation with Crow, who deeply regrets that Saladin now has to pay the price for his actions, stating it should have been himself, that he could have died for something he had believed in. As the Guardians make progress in undoing the Endless Night, learning that the event was orchestrated by Savathn, the Witch Queen, the Consensus Factions, growing increasingly paranoid towards the House of Light and disagreeing with the Vanguard's leadership, approached Saladin. She died sometime after escaping the Reef and, before the Traveler, was granted the Light like a Guardian would be, becoming the first Hive to wield the Light. As she dodged a burst of flame her cloak caught fire, and as Efrideet quickly took it off she yelled as Saladin to explain why he had wished to fight a dragon of all things. . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, Silimar declared that it was like them, being reborn every time they fell and that one day it would not fall and they would know the time was right. Joining him on this task force was Vanguard Advisor Osiris, now Lightless since the loss of his Ghost Sagira, a new Hunter known as The Crow for reconnaissance, and Amanda Holliday to fly mission support. 3 4 4 comments Best Add a Comment However, their coup ended in disaster as Vex poured out of the portal and attacked indiscriminately, killing the Lakshmi, leading the Guardians to quickly scramble to save the House of Light. 1 Saint-14. Others in the Tower tried to get Saladin, Shaxx, and Zavala to sit down and talk about the events of Twilight Gap to repair their friendship, but none of those efforts worked due to their stubbornness. Despite these views, Saladin refused to be swayed by fears and political schemes, as he refused Lakshmi and Hideo's offer to become the new leader of the Vanguard as he still trusts the judgement of Zavala and Ikora. And my watch is eternal." Lord Saladin. Grinning under his helmet, he shouted back that they were knights and he wanted to be a dragon slayer. Players learn about enemies and why they are doing certain missions from the voice-over of whoever has sent them on that mission. Osiris cut in and noted that he of all people should recognize stubbornness, causing Saladin to relent and begin to admire the Psion for their bravery and refusal to betray their people. Zavala convinces her to aid the Vanguard in fighting back against the Lucent Brood, and Saladin, originally skeptical of an alliance with the Cabal but sickened to see the Hive wield the Light, oversees a joint Vanguard-Cabal operation to capture Lucent Brood leaders for Psions to interrogate. Most of the lore that makes Destiny as deep of a game as it . When the Cabal Empress Caiatl arrived and sought to subjugate humanity, Saladin was tasked by Zavala with leading a strike force to keep her from rallying her forces. Saladin, Efrideet and? "Saladin," his Ghost had said, sounding like it spoke from the end of a very long, very wide tunnel. Saladin felt strangely at peace for that moment, but it faded as the Psion plunged to their death below. This may take some time Aren't Iron lords/warlords just what guardians used to be called? The Rezyl Azzir card "Before These Walls" touches on that when it points out that Rezyl was what would eventually become known as Titan. Well, Shin Malphur got the Ghost of Jaren Ward after Ward was killed by Dregden Yor, and became a Gunslinger Hunter. He was cut off when she suddenly hoisted him over her head, gathering her Light for the throw. Seems that the Iron Lords were chosen in their prime as well, but nothing to back that up. Alongside his fellow Iron Lords, Saladin travelled to defend the Last City alongside its Guardians. Some even suggested he was a part of the assassination plot against Zavala, which hits the Iron Lord hard. However, she only agreed to join if he promised she could throw him again if they ran out of ammo once more. to discuss their next steps. Zavala and Caiatl signed an armistice ending hostilities between the Vanguard and Cabal Empire, with any Cabal who continued to fight humanity becoming outlaws in the eyes of the Empire. However, Saladin handled most of the logistics on his own and stayed far away from Shaxx. As they spoke, a Fallen Skiff roared by and dropped a Walker into the field between the village and bunker. Aware of the painful burden his old protg bears and of the history between the two, Saladin would offer to shoulder some of the burden but Zavala refused stating he had made his choice and now he had to see it through. Post, Download on the AppStore Saladin asked what they would know, and Silimar declared that it would mean it was safe to build a city to the sky. Cancel The Iron Lord promised he would and hoped that Osiris would support him when it came time to enact it.[37]. Failing to persuade Shaxx to join the Iron Lords or the growing Last City, they proceeded outside where Efrideet and Saladin watched as Shaxx defeated Felwinter in seconds. [20], After the arrival of the Black Fleet some Guardians embraced the use of the Darkness infused powers of Stasis. Saladin admitted he did not and questioned why Felwinter was still tolerated. However, before her death, Lakshmi mentioned that she received aid from Osiris, explaining how she got her hands on Vex technology, leading the Vanguard to conduct an investigation into Osiris, who fled after the coup had failed. Iron Banner in Destiny []. However, In place of the village, Saladin found only graves followed by rock piles and ground mounds until he reached a pit full of burnt corpses. [26] Although Ixel was eliminated, three other Psions escaped with Vex data. It doesn't have to do with having a Ghost. Not long after the conflict in the Reef, Mars would mysteriously return, leading Ikora to have her Hidden conduct an investigation on the planet's condition as it appeared to be afflicted by some temporal distortion. She refused to believe that their commander truly intended to go through with the assault, but Saladin noted that Radegast was tired of fighting, but Efrideet did not believe that was a good excuse. In his early decades, he had seen a world at war with itself, spent his days hiding in the dust that was still settling after the Collapse. He used to be found in the Traveler's Walk area of the Tower, and sold gear in exchange for Glimmer and Iron Banner Reputation. Guardian refers to "Guardian of The Last City" to my understanding. The ghost picks it's guardian. Their demise and Efrideet's disappearance caused many in the Last City to assume she had perished as well. Caiatl accepts the offer, but instead of killing him, Caiatl spares Forge on the condition he become a Bracus on her War Council for the rest of his days. Saladin realized that he had made the wrong choice and started killing Fera's men. Briefing the Young Wolf, Saladin ordered them to eliminate Ma'rag before he could achieve his objective and earn a place on Caiatl's War Council. Iron Lords were the first guardians before there were Guardians. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Saladin wished to fight a dragon, which transformed the creature into a giant dragon that breathed fire. While Jolder and Perun suggested recruiting Bretomart and Deidris, Saladin told Radegast he trusted only him. Despite the ritual succeeding and Osiris was indeed returned, Savathn managed to escape. He was forced to cooperate with Shaxx at the behest of the Consensus to coordinate these events because his former pupil had become the head of the Crucible in the aftermath of the Twilight Gap. For more information, please see our Lakshmi-2 of the Future War Cult, led the other factions in an attempted coup to oust the Vanguard and forcefully expel the House of Light using Vex portal technology. Cookie Notice He was heavily against the armistice with the Cabal, wishing to eradicate the enemies of humanity, and now calling against the Vanguard allying with the House of Light, made other Guardians to view him as a warmonger. Much like his own students, Saladin has a prideful, stubborn streak, as he normally doesn't back down from a fight and doesn't apologize easily. Being a Guardian means being a servant to the Vanguard/Tower/City. Saladin listened in despair as Osiris convinced Zavala to go through with the plan by placing their faith in the Young Wolf and their fireteam. After the eleventh time the tower was destroyed, Saladin met with Silimar in its ruins and upon his friend's revival by his Ghost, questioned him about why he kept rebuilding and calling the tower doomed. Niiiice lost an iron lord in exchange of an emo who is having an identity crisis All my homies hate crow. Does Lord Saladin Have a Ghost? : r/DestinyTheGame In addition, to the Empress's recommendation, Saladin organized a tournament similar to the Iron Banner for the Cabal, even calling the contestants his "Iron War Beasts", which quickly became popular amongst the cabal. Saladin was spotlighted with the Destiny expansion Rise of Iron, which saw him working with the Guardian to reign in the Devil Splicers and the SIVA crisis.