Muscat du Cap Corse: There is also a small parcel of Muscat à Petits Grains that goes into the Muscat du Cap Corse cuvée. Based on search frequency, updated monthly, To see how Wine-Searcher uses average pricing and professional wine critic scores on this page, "Made with a base of Corsican white wine (Vermentino and other varietals), this sunny-hued aperitivo mixes fuity and floral notes for an ideal warm-weather sipper. 11 oct. 2017 - Vieilles vignes coteaux du cap Corse - vin rouge domaine Pieretti - 11 oct. 2017 - Vieilles vignes coteaux du cap Corse - vin rouge domaine Pieretti - Protégez-vous et les autres. These wines are mainly rosés (40 to 50 %), reds (30 to 40 %) and there are some whites (10 to 20 %). Corsica, or Corse in French i s an island in the Mediterranean Sea and politically one of the 18 regions of France.. Sa recette originale à base de mistelles de corse, de quinquina et de nombreuses plantes exotiques, garante de qualité, se décline à travers deux versions, le Cap Mattei Rouge et le Cap Mattei Blanc. Community wine reviews and ratings on 2010 Domaine Pieretti Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse Rosé, plus professional notes, label images, wine details, and recommendations on when to drink. Throughout its exceptional and preserved landscapes, Corsica is a feast for the eyes - and the tastebuds! Vin de Corse AOC accounts for what percentage of AOC wines on Corsica? antoine arena antoine-marie arena clos canarelli jean-baptiste arena Clear all. Community wine reviews and ratings on NV L. N. Mattei Cap Corse vin Apertif Quinquina, plus professional notes, label images, wine details, and recommendations on when to drink. (suite…), La maison L.N. Showing 1-20 of 68. L.N. These Domaine Pierreti wines reflect and embody all of these characteristics, as well as the gracious and refined femininity of Lina Venturi-Pieretti. It is best enjoyed as an aperitif or a digestif, served neat or over ice. (suite…), Mentions légales                                                                                                                                     Réalisation  CLC DISPLAY. Interestingly, Coca-Cola was created as an attempt to imitate the original Mariani wine. Vineyards are located on the lower slopes and steep sites surrounding the hillside villages allowing for vignerons to achieve full phenolic ripeness through the influence of site aspect. Cette fameuse « anima » on la retrouve partout sur l’île. Apéritif inimitable, création L.N. It has subtle raspberry and redcurrant flavours and a pleasantly persistent palate. Rappu: • A rare and traditional wine from the Cap Corse • Aleatico grapes are harvested at regular maturity and then the bunches are set on straw beds … Wine-themed online quizzes divert Jane Skilton, Master of Wine. Geologically speaking, it is a northern extension of the island's mountainous spine, of which at the highest point, Monte Cinto reaches 2,706 meters (8,877ft). The beach of Tamarone. Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse is produced under the Vin de Corse appellation of Corsica, specifically from the vineyards on the island's Cap Corse peninsula. Dans ce savoir-faire transmis de génération en génération, mais aussi dans ses traductions culturelle, gastronomique, patrimoniale. The parcel is situated between the Carco and Grotte di Sole vineyards. About Quinquina. Corsica France. Ancêtre du citron, ce fruit à l’écorce très épaisse, et pouvant peser jusqu’à 4 kilos, est très vite devenu emblématique du Cap Corse. Free delivery for orders over €250 throughout France and Europe! This windswept area has predominately schist based soils with metamorphic rocks creating favourable, well draining conditions. Crisp apple and white blossoms entice … Les Grandes Réserves sont le reflet du CAP MATTEI des années 20, « années folles », apéritif concentré en quinquina, rendu très en vogue à l’époque par son utilisation pour les cocktails. La cédratine, liqueur exquise aux cédrats de Corse, créée à la fin du XIXe siècle, est le résultat d’un assemblage à la fois délicat et complexe d’agrumes et de plantes aromatiques. Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse is produced under the Vin de Corse appellation of Corsica, specifically from the vineyards on the More. The generic Vin de Corse AOC covers the entire island and includes the smalle… Produite par distillation, la liqueur Myrttei Blanche est une création de Louis Napoleon Mattei, assemblage de distillats insulaires et de baies de Myrte sauvage qui embaument le maquis Corse, elle exhale ce parfum subtil dont l'empereur gardait la nostalgie à Sainte-Hélène. The Cap Corse is a land of savage winds, rocky coasts and waters that can be as blue as those of the Indian Ocean or the Polynesian Islands. This modern interpretation is made with Corsican white wine and decocanised Bolivian coca leaves. Not to be overlooked is Lina's decadent, sweet Muscat du Cap Corse. Patrimonio regulations, drawn up when the grape was considered extinct, don't allow for its use in the A.O.C., so the wine is a Vin de France. Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse is produced under the Vin de Corse appellation of Corsica, specifically from the vineyards on the island's Cap Corse peninsula. This legendary Corsican apéritif has a history dating back to 1872 when it was developed by Louis-Napoléon Mattei who—to fight against the epidemic malaria—thought of mixing the local The generic Vin de Corse AOP covers the entire island and includes the smaller sub-regions of Vin de Corse-Coteaux du Cap Corse, Vin de Corse-Calvi, Vin de Corse-Figari, Vin de Corse-Porto Vecchio and Vin de Corse-Sartène AOCs covers specific regions and generally commands lower yields than the Vin de Corse AOP. Filter by Producer. The 'Cap Corse' in question here is a large peninsula which extends for 40 kilometers (25 mi) out into the Ligurian Sea. MATTEI de Bastia met en garde les consommateurs de l’inimitable « Vin du Cap Corse » au quinquina, dont la réputation est devenue universelle, contre des contrefaçons que certains fabricants débitent sous le même nom. please see. There are 9 AOC designations on the island, including the island-wide designation of Vin de Corse. It is an outstanding Muscat - aromatic, 'vin … The Cap Corse Wine Trail (Routes des Vins) along with the Patrimonio Wine Trail are both near Erbalunga : we are happy to advise you of the best winemakers, which winemakers and vineyards you may visit to taste the best wines the region has to offer. Sa recette originale à base de mistelles de corse, de quinquina et de nombreuses plantes exotiques, garante de qualité, se décline à travers deux versions, le Cap Mattei Rouge et le Cap Mattei Blanc. The AOCs span the coastal regions surrounding the perimeter of the island, with little inland real estate designated to them (listed from north to south): Muscat du Cap Corse (an AOC devoted to Muscat late harvest wines) Vin des Coteaux-du-Cap-Corse Her Coteaux du Cap Corse is an enticing, zesty rosé made from a blend of Alicante, Grenache and Nielluccio. Nine AOCs (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlées) From Porto-Vecchio to Ajaccio in the South, from the Cap Corse to Aléria, wine routes across the Isle of Beauty invite you to discover its nine AOCs, or Protected Destination of Origin labels. It lies southeast of the French mainland, west of the Italian peninsular, and immediately north of the Italian island of Sardinia (Sardegna). À cette époque le Cap Corse est une des régions les plus habitée de l’île et son ouverture totale sur la mer fait des capcorsins un peuple de navigateurs, mais pas seulement, c’est également la première région viticole ainsi que celle qui s’appropriera le cédrat, agrume importé au début du XIXe siècle. Corsica has nine AOC regions and an island-wide vin de pays designation Vin de Pays de l'Île de Beauté that accounts for two thirds of the island's entire wine production. Currently on The Patrimonio region on the north coast was the first to receive AOC designation when it was established in 1968. Up on the Cap Corse promontory, outside the village of Luri, Lina Pieretti-Venturi makes a wonderful sweet Muscat de Cap Corse from a precious parcel of 2 hectares of vines that have been handed down through her family. Apéritif inimitable, création L.N. Please contact the store at 773-989-2115 or [email protected] +-Add to cart. MATTEI depuis 1872. Quinquina is a French term used to categorise aperitifs made with a wine base in which the main flavour constituent is quinine (also termed Peruvian bark). Corsica produces 9 AOC wines : Ajaccio, Patrimonio, AOC village (Calvi, Figari, Sartène, Porto-Vecchio, Cap Corse), a sweet wine, Muscat du Cap Corse, and a regional AOC, Vins de Corse. CAP MATTEI. On the west coast is a large regioncentered around the island's capital city of Ajaccio which includes some of Corsica's highest elevated vineyard land. (suite…), Louis Napoléon MATTEI, naît à Ersa, dans le Cap Corse le 12 juin 1849. Discover our selection from Vin-de-Corse-Coteaux-du-Cap-Corse with price starting at 17.5€. Consultez nos ressources pour vous adapter au mieux pendant cette période. Mattei “Cap Corse” Vin Aperitif Quinquina Rouge 750ml $ 22.00. Cette liqueur saura vous séduire par son caractère fort et représentatif de l’île qui l’a vue naître. Le cédrat, fruit originaire d’Asie, fût importé en Corse au début du XIXe siècle par des navigateurs capcorsins. Sort results by: Showing 1 - 14 of 14 results. Muscat du Cap Corse Domaine Leccia (no reserve)Sweet, vintage 2003. lot: 1091 composed of 1Bottle of Corsica wine, available in the sale (B2171763) of wines … Appellation: AOP Muscat du Cap Corse, AOP Muscat-du-Cap-Corse, AOP Patrimonio, Vin de France Production: 250 000 bottles : Soil: N/A : Climate: Mediterranean climate with a persistent sea breeze and a high daily temperature amplitude during ripening period. Korsika, eller Vin de Corse, har de seneste år bevæget sig fra at lave nogle tunge simple vine, til at lave moderne vine af højere kvalitet på bedre druesorter.. De to bedste regioner er Ajaccio og Patrimonio.I Ajaccio er vinene primært lavet på Sciacarello, mens de i Patrimonio er lavet på Nielluccio - begge lokale sorter. © 2021 Wine-Searcher™ All rights reserved. Cap Corse Mattei. The primary grape varieties for the reds and roses are Grenache, Sangiovese (known here as Nielluccio) and Sciaccarello, bolstered by the traditional Corsican varieties Aleatico, Barbarossa, Carcajolo Nero and Minustello (Graciano), along with Mourvedre, Cinsaut and Carignan from southern France. corse figari figari muscat du cap corse patrimonio vin de france Clear all. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération. L’ héritage d’un terroir viticole d’exception permet de transmettre certaines valeurs constitutive de l’âme corse. 1 Price drop on EU delivery starting from 9,90€ per shipment*. Muscat du Cap Corse Grotte di Sole Jean-Baptiste Arena Sweet, vintage 2016. lot: 1048 composed of 1Bottle of Corsica wine, available in the sale (B2110146) of wines. The whites are made from Vermentino, with a splash of Biancu Gentile and Ugni Blanc. The peninsula's peaks rise to more than 1,310 meters (4,300ft) and then drop rapidly down to sea level over just a few kilometers. Vin de Corse Figari (1) Muscat du Cap Corse (1) Calvi (1) Cassis (1) Show More; Type; All; Table Wine (19) Fruit Wine (1) Dessert/Fortified (1) Doesn't have the words: Match title only Separate vintages In-stock only Less More. Clos Nicrosi Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse Blanc, Domaine Pieretti Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse Rose, Domaine Pieretti Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse Blanc, Domaine Pieretti Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse Rouge. Red wine accounts for most of the remainder, but a small quantity of white wine is also produced. For any request or inquiry, contact Calais Vins at 0033(0)321 36 40 40 or Franglais Vins at 0033(0)321 85 29 39. Buy wines directly from the winemaker with No-Break Guarantee. With the peninsula surrounded on three sides by the Ligurian Sea, wine produced from the region has a distinctive and predominate saline character. Vin de Corse Cap Corse (sub-appellation) Muscat du Cap Corse Porto Vecchio (sub-appellation) Figari (sub-appellation) Sartene (sub-appellation) Ajaccio Calvi (sub-appellation) Patrimonio. 45%. Respectez les gestes barrières et la distanciation sociale. This product may not be available for shipping. by Monty Waldin | Sunday, March 10, 2019 | Corsica, Coteaux du Cap Corse. Corsica's climate is Mediterranean, and emphasized by the oceanic influence around Cap Corse. Coteaux du Cap Corse wines may be red, white or rosé, with rosé making up around half of the total output. Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse Wine Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse is produced under the Vin de Corse Coteaux du Cap Corse AOC. Cape Corse Rouge : • Fermented in concrete and stainless steel tanks • Aged in 100% stainless steel cuves. This is just one of several key viticultural areas whose names may be appended to the island's catch-all AOC appellation title (the others are Porto-Vecchio, Figari, Sartene and Calvi). MATTEI depuis 1872.