... Joshua 16:5 This was the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families. Les influences de la culture judéo-chrétienne sont très marquées, mais pour être précis, il faudrait plutôt parler de culture indo-européenne. Transliteration: Ramathayim Tsophim Phonetic Spelling ... /hebrew/7436.htm - 6k, 1608. Schaff, Philip (Editor) Table of Contents. They buried him in the hill of Phinehas his son, which was given him in the hill country of Ephraim. a wadi between Ephraim and Manasseh, also a city in Asher. Governors come down out of Machir. He and his brother Manasseh were adopted by Jacob, and ranked as his own sons, each becoming the ancestor of a tribe in Israel. [18] Joshua 16:1-4 outlines the borders of the lands allocated to the "children of Joseph", i.e. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 14:24And all the people were with Saul, about twenty thousand men, and the fight was general through all the hill-country of Ephraim; but Saul made a great error that day, by putting the people under an oath, saying, Let that man be cursed who takes food before evening comes and I have given punishment to those who are against me. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Numbers 13:8Of the tribe of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of Nun. EPHRAÏM. See also 2 Samuel 13:23. The leadership of Ephraim was further emphasized by the rule of Samuel. 1715-1708.) Timnath Serech -- "territory of the sun," a village in the ...... Timnath Serech. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 18:2The children of Dan sent of their family five men from their whole number, men of valor, from Zorah, and from Eshtaol, to spy out the land, and to search it; and they said to them, "Go, explore the land!" <. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 8:2He said to them, "What have I now done in comparison with you? This region is also called the "mountains of Israel" (Joshua 11:21) and the "mountains of Samaria" (Jeremiah 31:5, 6: Amos 3:9). Ephraim. The second son of Joseph, born in Egypt, Genesis 41:52. We mean not here the land of Ephraim, but a certain town in the confines ... /.../lightfoot/from the talmud and hebraica/chapter 53 ephraim.htm, Ephraim Syrus the Nisibene Hymns. (2Cr 20:36, 37) Questo indicherebbe che Ofir non era l’unico porto in cui facevano scalo le “navi di Tarsis” israelite, ma che queste navigavano anche nel Mediterraneo. info Langue, origine ou inspiration : biblique, hébreu. | GotQuestions.org, Who was Ephraim in the Bible? (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Numbers 2:18"On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim according to their divisions: and the prince of the children of Ephraim shall be Elishama the son of Ammihud. --Summary of the Authenticated ... Hymns and Homilies of Ephraim the Syrian. Among the causes which operated to bring about the disruption of Israel was Ephraim's jealousy of the growing power of Judah. Ephraim. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 2:9They buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnath Heres, in the hill country of Ephraim, on the north of the mountain of Gaash. Éphraïm (en hébreu : אפרים, ce qui signifierait « double récompense ») est, dans la Genèse, le second fils d' Asnath et de Joseph alors que celui-ci est devenu vice-roi d' Égypte. Joshua was buried at Timnath-heres among the mountains of Ephraim, on the north side of the hill of Gaash (Judges 2:9). A range of mountainous country, which runs through it, is called "the mountains of Ephraim," or "mount Ephraim." E'phraim, Ephraim-azariah. Il a par la suite désigné une tribu d’Israël. Ephraim definition: the younger son of Joseph , who received the principal blessing of his grandfather Jacob... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples At that time, forty-two thousand of Ephraim fell. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 25:7But there came a man of God to him, saying, O king, don't let the army of Israel go with you; for Yahweh is not with Israel, to wit, with all the children of Ephraim. The border of Manasseh was on the north side of the brook, and ended at the sea. (BBE DBY), 1 Chronicles 6:66Some of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their borders out of the tribe of Ephraim. Après la division du royaume d’Israël, comme Éphraïm était la tribu la plus importante, elle a fini par représenter tout le royaume des dix tribus (Gn 41:52 ; Jr 7:15). (B.C. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 6:61And to the rest of the sons of Kohath there were given by the Lord's decision ten towns out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim and out of the tribe of Dan and out of the half-tribe of Manasseh. Éphraïm. "Ephraim, he hath mixed himself" (Hosea 7:8). Qibtsayim. "Of Didymus of Alexandria and Ephraim the Syrian. It may be identical with the Ephraim of Eusebius, Onomasticon, 20 Roman miles North of Jerusalem, and therefore to be sought somewhere in the neighborhood of Sinjil and el-Lubban. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 28:12Then certain of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against those who came from the war,(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 30:1Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of Yahweh at Jerusalem, to keep the Passover to Yahweh, the God of Israel. William Cowper 8,6,8,6. From Ataroth, which probably corresponds to Ataroth-addar (16:5), possibly identical with the modern et-Truneh, the southern border passed up to Bethel. Scopri la ripartizione geografica del nome Colombe nel mondo. La signification des chiffres. Ewing. Les expressions idiomatiques de l'hébreu biblique : signification et traduction : un essai d'analyse componentielle. Résumé historique du personnage Second fils de Joseph. That Israel would have submitted to the sovereignty of Absalom, any more than to that of David, is not to be believed; but his revolt furnished an opportunity to deal a shrewd blow at the power of the southern tribe (2 Samuel 15:13). (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 25:23Joash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth Shemesh, and brought him to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits. Chapters 51-60 Chapter 53 Ephraim. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Genesis 48:20He blessed them that day, saying, "In you will Israel bless, saying,'God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh'" He set Ephraim before Manasseh. In this favored region the people must have lived in the main a prosperous and happy life. La signification du prénom Ephraim. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Joshua 21:20The families of the children of Kohath, the Levites, even the rest of the children of Kohath, had the cities of their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Numbers 2:24"All who were numbered of the camp of Ephraim were one hundred eight thousand one hundred, according to their divisions. 1609 . The boundaries of Ephraim cannot be followed with accuracy, but roughly, they were as follows: The southern boundary, agreeing with the northern border of Benjamin, started from Bethel, and passed down westward by nether Beth-horon and Gezer toward the sea (16:3; in verse 5 it stops at upper Beth-horon); it turned northward to the southern bank of the brook Kanah (Wady Kanah) along which it ran eastward (17:10) to Michmethath (the plain of Mukhneh); thence it went northward along the western edge of the plain to Shechem. This extends also farther south into the portion of Judah, and is there called "the mountains of Judah." Ephraimite . But now when Jerusalem became the capital of the kingdom, and the centre of power and worship for the whole nation of Israel, Ephraim declined in influence. .../e/e'phraim's.htm - 7k, E'phraimites (9 Occurrences)E'phraimites. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Numbers 26:28The sons of Joseph after their families: Manasseh and Ephraim. "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 12:5The Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Numbers 1:10Of the children of Joseph: Of Ephraim: Elishama the son of Ammihud. e'-fra-im-it ('ephrayim; singular 'ephrathi): A member of the tribe of Ephraim (Joshua 16:10, etc.). It lay on the east of Jordan, not far from Mahanaim, and was some part of the great forest of Gilead. Religious Organization 7435, 7436. This may be the place named along with Bethel by Josephus (BJ, IV, ix, 9). (har 'ephrayim):Means that part of the mountain which fell to Ephraim (Joshua 19:50, etc.). Nom du deuxième fils de Joseph. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 19:4Jehoshaphat lived at Jerusalem: and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim, and brought them back to Yahweh, the God of their fathers. Apprendre aux enfants les choses du Seigneur dans la simplicité "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Kings 4:8These are their names: Ben Hur, in the hill country of Ephraim;(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Kings 12:2And, hearing of it, Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who was still in Egypt, where he had gone in flight from Solomon, and was living there, came back to his town Zeredah, in the hill-country of Ephraim;(BBE), 1 Kings 12:25Then Jeroboam built Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim, and lived in it; and he went out from there, and built Penuel. Multi-Version Concordance .../e/ephraimite.htm - 8k, Ephraimites (7 Occurrences)... at the sea. Transliteration: Qibtsayim Phonetic Spelling: (kib-tsah'-yim) Short Definition: Kibzaim. ", 4471. The tabernacle and the ark were deposited within its limits at Shiloh, where it remained for four hundred years. "territory of the sun," a village in the hill country of Ephraim. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Joshua 16:8From Tappuah the border went along westward to the brook of Kanah; and ended at the sea. ... /.../hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/first part ephraim the syrian.htm, Ephraim ... Chapter CXV. After Israel was divided, Ephraim, as the most prominent tribe, came to represent the entire ten-tribe kingdom. When the ark was removed from Shiloh to Zion the power of Ephraim was humbled.". [Jean-Marc Babut] Latin [] Noun []. We will burn your house around you with fire! Connected with this may have been the name Aphaerema, a district in Samaria mentioned in 1 Maccabees 11:34; Ant, XIII, iv, 9. Ephraim was born in Egypt before the arrival of the children of Israel from Canaan. Took precedence over that of Manasseh by virtue of Jacob's blessing (Genesis 41:52; 48:1). Samaria, the capital of the ten tribes, being in Ephraim, this latter name is often used for the kingdom of Israel, Isaiah 11:13 Jeremiah 31:6 50:19. It included most of what was afterwards called Samaria as distinguished from Judea and Galilee. ... Genesis 48:17 When Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on the head of Ephraim, it displeased him. The descendants of Joseph formed two of the tribes of Israel, whereas each of the other sons of Jacob was the founder of only one tribe. From the beginning of life in Palestine they enjoyed a certain prestige, and were very sensitive on the point of honor (Judges 7:24; Judges 8:1; Judges 12:1). | GotQuestions.org, What can we learn from the tribe of Ephraim? EPHRAIM ē’ frĭ əm (אֶפְרָ֑יִם, LXX Εφραιμ; meaning doubly fruitful), the younger of two sons born to Joseph in Egypt.The name of the older son was Manasseh. See more. Genesis 41:52 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 19:1It happened in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite sojourning on the farther side of the hill country of Ephraim, who took to him a concubine out of Bethlehem Judah. A town on the border of Ephraim (Joshua 16:8). "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Genesis 46:20To Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him. They reached to Asher on the north, and to Issachar on the east. 5296 . 6912 . (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 5:14Those whose root is in Amalek came out of Ephraim, after you, Benjamin, among your peoples. Qibtsayim -- "two heaps," a city in Ephraim... 6910, 6911. Gaash. took precedence over that of Manasseh by virtue of Jacob's blessing ( Genesis 41:52; 48:1).The descendants of Joseph formed two of the tribes of Israel, whereas each of the other sons of Jacob was the founder of only one tribe. Transliteration: Qanah Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-naw') Short Definition: Kanah. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Genesis 48:17When Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on the head of Ephraim, it displeased him. ... Book IV. Genesis 41:52 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. These cities belonged to Ephraim among the cities of Manasseh. At the time of the first census in the wilderness this tribe numbered 40,500 (Numbers 1:32, 33); forty years later, when about to take possession of the Promised Land, it numbered only 32,500. See , however, article NUMBERS. Thus there were in reality thirteen tribes; but the number twelve was preserved by excluding that of Levi when Ephraim and Manasseh are mentioned separately (Numbers 1:32-34; Joshua 17:14, 17; 1 Chronicles 7:20). The border of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth Addar, to Beth Horon the upper. Hymns and Homilies of Ephraim the Syrian. ... /hebrew/7071.htm - 6k, 8167. Transliteration: Naaran Phonetic Spelling: (nah-ar-awn') Short Definition: Naaran. It is better therefore to retain the rendering of the King James Version, and not to read with the Revised Version (British and American) "hill-country of Ephraim. John 11:54 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples. The Patriarch: The younger of the two sons of Joseph and Asenath, born in Egypt. Ramathayim Tsophim. And be sure to bookmark our website so you can easily learn how to say or pronounce other Bible words! (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Samuel 13:23It happened after two full years, that Absalom had sheepshearers in Baal Hazor, which is beside Ephraim: and Absalom invited all the king's sons. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Ephraim and Manasseh combined, and Joshua 16:5-8 defines the borders of the land allocated to the tribe of Ephraim in more detail. 2 .../e/ephraim-azariah.htm - 6k, E'phraim's (6 Occurrences)E'phraim's. <. Took precedence over that of Manasseh by virtue of Jacob's blessing (Genesis 41:52; 48:1).The descendants of Joseph formed two of the tribes of Israel, whereas each of the other sons of Jacob was the founder of only one tribe. Fils cadet de Joseph, né en Egypte comme Manassé ; leur mère s'appelait Asnath, fille de Poti-Phéra, prêtre d'On ( Ge 41:50-52, E ; Ge 41:45, J). (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 12:15Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite died, and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the hill country of the Amalekites. CONDITIONS D’UTILISATION Biographie. Seirah -- "goat," a city in Ephraim... 8166, 8167. 7437 . ... /.../the ecclesiastical history of sozomenus/chapter xvi concerning st ephraim.htm, October 6. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Joshua 17:10Southward it was Ephraim's, and northward it was Manasseh's, and the sea was his border. Il est béni par son grand-père Jacob sous sa main droite (normalement réservée à l'aîné) alors qu'il est le plus jeune. It is a great thing to ... /.../simpson/days of heaven upon earth /october 6 ephraim he hath.htm, Ephraim Repenting. 1 like. a place in Ephraim. .../e/e'phraimites.htm - 9k, Ephraimite (6 Occurrences)... EPHRAIMITE. (KJV YLT), 2 Chronicles 15:8When Asa heard these words, and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put away the abominations out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities which he had taken from the hill country of Ephraim; and he renewed the altar of Yahweh, that was before the porch of Yahweh. 7072 . It was released on 18 June 1984 in Quebec, Canada. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Joshua 21:5The rest of the children of Kohath had ten cities by lot out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim, out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half-tribe of Manasseh. Éphraïm. Ephraimites, E'phraimites. It was natural that the scene of national assemblies, and the center of the nation's worship, should be chosen within the land occupied by the children of Joseph, at Shechem and Shiloh respectively. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 10:1After Abimelech there arose to save Israel Tola the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar; and he lived in Shamir in the hill country of Ephraim. <. My God! Qibtsayim -- "two heaps," a city in, 7436. Geplaatst op november 8, 2020 november 8, 2020 door . He and his brother Manasseh were adopted by Jacob, and ranked as his own sons, each becoming the ancestor of … (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Joshua 16:4The children of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, took their inheritance. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 18:13They passed there to the hill country of Ephraim, and came to the house of Micah. Territory of. Although the youngest, he yet had the chief blessing of his grandfather Jacob, and the tribe was always more distinguished than that of Manasseh, Genesis 48:8-20 Numbers 2:18-21. Seirah. Atroth Addar -- a place on the border between Ephraim and ...... a place on the border between Ephraim and Benjamin. 8557 . Il a par la suite désigné une tribu d’Israël. It is torn by many gorges, and is rocky and unfruitful. Et il donna au second le nom d'Ephraïm ('Ephrayim), car, dit-il, Dieu m'a rendu fécond dans … These factors contributed to making Ephraim the most dominant of the tribes in the Kingdom of Israel, and led to Ephraim becoming a synonym for the entire kingdom. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Genesis 48:5Now your two sons, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you into Egypt, are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh, even as Reuben and Simeon, will be mine. ... Chapter XVI. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 1:1Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the hill country of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite:(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 9:4He passed through the hill country of Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalishah, but they didn't find them: then they passed through the land of Shaalim, and there they weren't there: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they didn't find them. One of the gates of Jerusalem (2 Kings 14:13; 2 Chronicles 25:23), on the side of the city looking toward Ephraim, the north side. It is supposed to be the present Taiyibeh, on a hill overlooking the Jordan valley, five miles northeast of Bethel. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 27:20of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of Azaziah: of the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joel the son of Pedaiah:(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 13:4Abijah stood up on Mount Zemaraim, which is in the hill country of Ephraim, and said, Hear me, Jeroboam and all Israel:(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 13:19And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam, and took cities from him, Bethel with the towns thereof, and Jeshanah with the towns thereof, and Ephraim with the towns thereof. The discontent came to a crisis by Rehoboam's refusal to grant certain redresses that were demanded (1 Kings 12). Benjamin West, Jacob bénissant Éphraïm et Manassé. (BBE), 2 Samuel 2:9and he made him king over Gilead, and over the Ashurites, and over Jezreel, and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over all Israel. "two heaps," a city in Ephraim. (double fruitfulness), the second son of Joseph by his wife Asenath. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 9:3In Jerusalem lived of the children of Judah, and of the children of Benjamin, and of the children of Ephraim and Manasseh:(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 12:30Of the children of Ephraim twenty thousand eight hundred, mighty men of valor, famous men in their fathers' houses. Verset biblique du jour, Kinshasa. ... /hebrew/8556b.htm - 6k, 5295. "Summary of the Authenticated Facts of His Life. [Jean-Marc Babut] They shall set out third. For Hezekiah had prayed for them, saying, The good Yahweh pardon everyone(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Ephraim: A City in the Territory of Ephraim, Ephraim: A City in the Territory of Ephraim: Jesus Escapes To, from the Persecution of Caiaphas, Ephraim: A Forest East of the Jordan River: Absalom Killed In, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Applied to the Ten Tribes, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Blessed by Moses, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Captured Beth-El in Battle, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Chastised Ahaz and Judah, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Defeated by Him, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Envied by Other Tribes, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Failed to Expel the Canaanites, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Jeroboam Set up a Golden Calf in Beth-El, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Joined Gideon Against the Midianites, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Joined Hezekiah in Reinstituting the Passover, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Joined in the Destruction of Idolatrous Forms in Jerusalem, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Numbered at Mount Sinai and in Plains of Moab, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Position in Camp and March, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Prophecy Concerning, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Reallotment of Territory, To, by Ezekiel, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Rebuked Gideon for not Summoning Them to Join the War Against the Midianites, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Received Ish-Bosheth As King, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Revolted from House of David, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Sin of, Remembered by God, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: some of Tribe Joined Judah Under Asa, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Submitted to the Scepter of Josiah, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Territory Allotted To, After the Conquest of Canaan, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Their Jealousy of Jephthah, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Tribe of, Called Joseph, Ephraim: A Tribe of Israel: Worshiped Baal, Ephraim: Mount of a Place of Hiding for Israelites, Ephraim: Mount of a Range of Low Mountains, Ephraim: Mount of Joshua Has his Inheritance In, Ephraim: Mount of Noted for Rich Pastures, Ephraim: Mount of Prophecy Concerning Its Conversion, Ephraim: Second Son of Joseph: Adopted by Jacob, Ephraim: Second Son of Joseph: Blessed Before Manasseh; Prophecies Concerning, Ephraim: Second Son of Joseph: Descendants of, Ephraim: Second Son of Joseph: Mourned for his Sons, Tribe of Ephraim: Assisted: Deborah and Barak Against Sisera, Tribe of Ephraim: Assisted: Gideon Against Midian, Tribe of Ephraim: Assisted: Manasseh in Taking Bethel, Tribe of Ephraim: Bounds of Its Inheritance, Tribe of Ephraim: Could not Drive out the Canaanites But Made Them Tributary, Tribe of Ephraim: Defeated and Many Slain, Tribe of Ephraim: Descended from Joseph's Second Son Adopted by Jacob, Tribe of Ephraim: Encamped West of the Tabernacle, Tribe of Ephraim: Led the Third Division of Israel, Tribe of Ephraim: Many of, Joined in Hezekiah's Passover and Reformation, Tribe of Ephraim: Many of, Joined Judah Under Asa, Tribe of Ephraim: Offering of, at the Dedication, Tribe of Ephraim: Officers Appointed Over, by David, Tribe of Ephraim: On Gerizim, Said Amen to Blessings, Tribe of Ephraim: One of Jeroboam's Calves Set up in Bethel, a City of, Tribe of Ephraim: Persons Selected From: To Divide the Land, Tribe of Ephraim: Persons Selected From: To Number the People, Tribe of Ephraim: Persons Selected From: To Spy out the Land, Tribe of Ephraim: Quarrelled With Jephthah for not Seeking Their Aid Against, Tribe of Ephraim: Remarkable Persons of Abdon, Tribe of Ephraim: Remarkable Persons of Joshua, Tribe of Ephraim: Remarkable Persons of Zichri, Tribe of Ephraim: Remonstrated With Gideon for not Calling Them Sooner Against, Tribe of Ephraim: some of, at Coronation of David, Tribe of Ephraim: Strength of, on Entering Canaan, Tribe of Ephraim: Strength of, on Leaving Egypt, Tribe of Ephraim: The Leading Tribe of the Kingdom of Israel, Tribe of Ephraim: The Tabernacle Continued a Long Time in Shiloh, a City of, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 28:7Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, killed Maaseiah the king's son, and Azrikam the ruler of the house, and Elkanah who was next to the king. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 7:24Gideon sent messengers throughout all the hill country of Ephraim, saying, "Come down against Midian, and take before them the waters, as far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan!" ... First Part Ephraim the Syrian. sec. ... /hebrew/6911.htm - 6k, 7436. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 17:2He placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 3:27It happened, when he had come, that he blew a trumpet in the hill country of Ephraim; and the children of Israel went down with him from the hill country, and he before them. Ewing, (1) A position apparently of some importance, since the position of Baal-hazor (probably = Tell `Asur) where Abraham's sheep-farm was located, is determined by relation to it (2 Samuel 13:23). Après la division du royaume d’Israël, comme Éphraïm était la tribu la plus importante, elle a fini par représenter tout le royaume des dix tribus ( Gn 41:52 ; Jr 7:15 ). They are the thousands of Manasseh. Transliteration: Seirah Phonetic Spelling: (seh-ee-raw') Short Definition: Seirah. Hymns and Homilies of Ephraim the Syrian. 8168 . EPHRAIM repenting. The antiquity of the site is attested by the cisterns and rock tombs. If he said, "No;"(Root in WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS NIV), Judges 12:6then said they to him, "Now say'Shibboleth;'" and he said "Sibboleth;" for he couldn't manage to pronounce it right: then they laid hold of him, and killed him at the fords of the Jordan. The second son of Joseph, born in Egypt before the famine, Genesis 41:50-52, and therefore upwards of 20 at Jacob's death.Joseph, when he was apprised of his father's sickness, was anxious to obtain the recognition of his sons Manasseh and Ephraim. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Numbers 34:24Of the tribe of the children of Ephraim a prince, Kemuel the son of Shiphtan. Ephraim (/ ˈ iː f r iː ə m /; Hebrew: אֶפְרָיִם ‎/ אֶפְרַיִם ‎, ʾEfrayim) was, according to the Book of Genesis, the second son of Joseph and Asenath.Asenath was an Egyptian woman whom Pharaoh gave to Joseph as wife, and the daughter of Potipherah, a priest of On. At the division of the land Ephraim was represented by prince Kemuel, son of Shiphtan (Numbers 34:24). L'Alliance Biblique Française. The future power of this tribe is again foreshadowed in the Blessing of Moses (Deuteronomy 33:17). It occupied the central and fairest portions of the land, and had Shiloh and Shechem within its borders. It probably answers to eT-Taiyebeh, a large village about 4 miles North of Beitin. I. I am from there, and I went to Bethlehem Judah. ... //christianbookshelf.org/newton/olney hymns/hymn 68 ephraim repenting jer.htm, Ephraim's (14 Occurrences)...Ephraim's (14 Occurrences). It was so, that when any of the fugitives of Ephraim said, Let me go over, the men of Gilead said to him, "Are you an Ephraimite?" ... //christianbookshelf.org/ephraim/hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/, Chronology of the Life of Ephraim. You shall not have one lot only;(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Joshua 19:50According to the commandment of Yahweh, they gave him the city which he asked, even Timnathserah in the hill country of Ephraim; and he built the city, and lived there. They were intersected by well-watered, fertile valleys, referred to in Jeremiah 50:19. I. So all the men of Ephraim were gathered together, and took the waters as far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan. till I received thy stroke,. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Deuteronomy 33:17The firstborn of his herd, majesty is his. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Genesis 41:52The name of the second, he called Ephraim : "For God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction. Solomon's lack of wisdom and the crass folly of Rehoboam in the management of the northern tribes fanned the smoldering discontent into a fierce flame. Gaash -- a mountain in Ephraim... 1607, 1608. How appropriate are the prophetic allusions to these conditions in the days of Ephraim's moral decay (Isaiah 28:1, 4 Jeremiah 31:18 Hosea 9:13; Hosea 10:11, etc.)!W. But a man of the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has lifted up his hand against the king, even against David.